Dare yourself to run 300k (187 miles) as a relay-team in the middle range of the Andes mountains, just 35 minutes from the city center of Medellin, Colombia. This breathtaking countryside will have you immersed in rural Colombian life, full of scenic trails, impressive mountains, local agriculture, and friendly people.
Since this is a relay-race, you do not have to be a skilled runner. Not even an ultrarunner. The race is designed so everybody can run. Kids, newbies, advanced, and expert runners. If you can run 3 miles, you can be part of a team.
Saturday, November 14th &
Sunday, November 15th, 2020
Central Campground
Pantanillo, Envigado
35 minutes outside Medellín
ORU Campestre
Kilómetro 8 Variante Las Palmas