Dare yourself to run 300k (187 miles) as a relay-team in the middle range of the Andes mountains, just 35 minutes from the city center of Medellin, Colombia. This breathtaking countryside will have you immersed in rural Colombian life, full of scenic trails, impressive mountains, local agriculture, and friendly people.

Since this is a relay-race, you do not have to be a skilled runner. Not even an ultrarunner. The race is designed so everybody can run. Kids, newbies, advanced, and expert runners. If you can run 3 miles, you can be part of a team.

The ultra marathon will be a series of circuits. Not a point-to-point course. We will run through Santa Elena, Rionegro, and the neighborhood of Pantanill o, Envigado. We have terrain for all abilities. From pavement roads with little traffic (39%), to secluded dirt roads (37%), and beautiful trails that even locals don’t know exist. (24%).

  • 300 Kilómetros
  • Saturday November 14th and Sunday November 15th, 2020
  • Pantanillo, Envigado
  • ORU Campestre - Km 8 Variante Las Palmas
  • Price per person U$ 120.00
  • Sustainability

Trebol Camp is committed to organize events that are socially and environmentally responsible. Therefore, we will maximize our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, involve local communities, and promote healthy habits.

In order to achieve this, we will enforce several guidelines. Including:

  • Carpooling to the event
  • No team cars on the course. The organization will be in charge of relay transfers.
  • Encouragement of reduce, reuse, recycle initiatives.
  • No cup race. Each water station will be on a refill system
  • No tree cutting. No creation of new trails
  • Three hours of mandatory volunteer hours by each participant on course.
  • Checklist

This checklist should be completed before October 31st, 2020:

  1. If you have your team already:
    • Name a team-captain.
    • Name your team.
    • Complete the race plan questionnaire.
  2. If you do not have a team:
    • Fill out your athlete profile form here.
    • Check the team suggestion in your inbox by September 15th.
    • Make changes to your team suggestion.
    • Form a team. (Connect with your team) Name a captain. Name your team.
    • Send (complete and send) the race plan questionnaire.
  3. Everybody needs to do the following also:
    • Choose the mandatory “volunteer-shifts”.
    • Fill out the guest form.
    • Sign the waiver.
    • Fill out the Emergency form.
    • Choose your meal options.
  • Categories and Awards

This is a race that seeks to provide an unforgettable experience to all participants, starting with the physical challenge of running for several hours, to the challenge that represents spending 36 hours with old and new friends.

Even though we know you are going to have so much fun at the central campground and on the course, we know team-effort will be required.

Therefore, there will be just one category regardless of age, gender or ability. There will be awards for:

  1. The top three teams according to the total time it took them to complete the 300 kilometer (187 miles) course, including any time penalties incurred due to violations or race issues.

  2. We will also award 5 teams such as:
    • The funniest team.
    • The unluckiest team.
    • The best night-time team.
    • The most collaborative team.
    • The team with the fastest segment.
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