This ultra marathon is designed so that the majority of segments start and end at the central campground. Some segments do require a remote-relay, but the race organizers will provide transportation to such locations.

It is not a point-to-point course. However, you can rest assured that every team member will have the opportunity to run different routes without the need to repeat routes. More than 180 kilometers (112 miles) are totally different, so if you do not want to run a segment that includes a few miles that you already know, you can enjoy new scenery on each of your segments.

But if you like familiarity, prefer to run on areas that you already ran, or simply want to divvy up the segments according to each team-member’s strength, you can do that too. That is completely up to your team. You have total freedom on how you design the race strategy.

The race-course will be divided in 36 segments. Not all segments are of the same distance and difficulty. We have segments for all types of runners:

  • 5 segments with less than 3 miles (5k).
  • 3 segments between 3 and 7 miles (5 and 11k).
  • 8 segments between 7 and 12 miles (12 and 17k).
  • Gallery
  • Route map

Below you can find a rough-draft of the course-map. We will be uploading official maps as the race approaches. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook for segment pictures and other information.

The official maps will be published soon.

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